At least 100,000 barrels of the country’s oil is lost per day to
theft from its onshore and swamp operations alone, a new Chatham House
report estimates.
The illicit oil which is around 5% of total output in the first
quarter of 2013 oil is said to have likely found ready buyers in West
Africa, the US, Europe and several Asian countries.
Chatham House, home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
based in London is a world-leading source of independent analysis,
informed debate and influential ideas on how to build a prosperous and
secure world for all.
The Institute noted that stolen Nigerian crude and the profits from
it are laundered around the world, threatening the integrity of
financial markets and the legitimate oil business.
Worried by the development, the Federal Government last June urged
the United Kingdom and other countries to help Nigeria curtail the
growing incidence of crude oil theft in the country by rejecting stolen
Nigerian crude destined for their refineries.
Speaking at the Chatham House on ‘Nigerian Defence Priorities:
Domestic Stability for Regional Security’, former Minister of State for
Defence, Erelu Olusola Obada likened Nigerian stolen crude to the
Liberian and Sierra Leonean blood diamond, and demanded the confiscation
of assets and property of foreign vessel owners and businessmen
involved in such illicit transactions.
In a press statement issued on September 19 by its press office,
Chatham House said despite the threat “ no Nigerian oil thieves have
been prosecuted internationally, and knowledge of the illegal business
and its practitioners remains poor, says Nigeria’s Criminal Crude:
International Options to Combat the Export of Stolen Oil.”
“Criminal Crude – the first independent, in-depth report on the
international dimensions of Nigerian oil theft – explores the problem in
the context of legal trading markets and Nigeria’s own oil sector and
political culture.
“The report describes oil theft as a species of organized crime that is almost totally off the international community’s radar.
“Nigeria cannot resolve the problem alone, but it needs to take the
initiative to develop an achievable strategy with its foreign government
partners. Even then, much more intelligence is needed to connect the
very complex issues and range of actors involved.
“Foreign governments may want to say this is not their problem,” says
co-author Aaron Sayne, “But without better knowledge of how oil theft
affects security and strategically important markets, not every
government can say so with confidence.”
“Criminal Crude offers a four-point framework for states seeking to take first steps against Nigerian oil theft.
“First, Nigeria and its foreign government partners should prioritize
the gathering, analysis and sharing of intelligence on oil theft. The
report offers preliminary conclusions about how much oil is stolen, how
the oil and money move globally and the links between oil theft and
insecurity. It highlights knowledge gaps and points out specific
priorities for investigators overseas.
“Second, Nigeria should consider taking other steps to build the confidence of foreign government partners. Interviews for Criminal Crude found
officials in other countries willing to act on oil theft, but only if
Nigeria takes some serious steps first.
“Third, other states should begin cleaning up parts of the trade they
know are taking place within their borders. This could involve tracking
ships by satellite; investigating possible links between crude theft,
drug smuggling or terrorism; following international money trails; or
targeting known thieves through “smart sanctions.”
“Fourth, Nigeria should articulate its own multi-point, multi-partner
strategy for addressing oil theft. Most international initiatives would
require Nigerian cooperation to succeed, and the stolen oil trade is a
Nigerian problem first.
“The Nigerian government is likely to have the best intelligence on how the business works.
“The analysis in the report finds that there are no easy answers:
tackling this form of transnational organised crime is about making
smart choices with tools that work, in a high risk environment where
political will easily waivers. Criminal Crude provides a solid basis for
greater international engagement on the trade in stolen Nigerian oil.
“A key issue is how much other stakeholders such as international oil
companies, oil traders and shippers would be willing to contribute at
the risk of undermining their relationships, reputations and capacity to
operate in Nigeria, “ says Christina Katsouris, co-author.”
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